Our Tartan Care

Caring for your Luxury Tartan

We appreciate that having gone to the expense of buying your prestigious cashmere or exceptional quality lambswool tartan, you may wish to follow some simple care tips to prolong the luxurious softness and look of your tartan.

Luxury Cashmere & Lambswool


When cashmere is first worn, you may notice fibres can collect or ‘bobble‘ into balls or ‘pills‘ on the surface of the tartan. We would like to reassure you that this is due to cashmere being made from all natural fibres with a wavy appearance that likes to cling together and is not a sign of inferior quality fibres having been used or less than diligent craftsmanship. These ‘pills‘ can be simply removed by hand or with the aid of a de-pilling comb which can be purchased for a few pounds.


We do not advise washing cashmere in water and would always recommend dry cleaning professionally.

Merino Lambswool

Merino Lambswool is highly prized for being the softest, lightest and warmest of all wool from any sheep. However, lambswool cannot be washed and dried like many other garments and can shrink when an owner washes it incorrectly. Many lambswool garments are labelled dry clean only, but with a few precautions, you can wash a lambswool garment at home to avoid dry cleaning bills. Please seek advice first before attempting to hand wash any lambswool item or read the garment labels and follow instructions.

We would advise having the garment professionally laundered or dry cleaned.

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Unique Heritage Tartan goods in luxury cashmere and lambswool...